woensdag 9 december 2009

Willful Degeneration, the Human Jinx.

Yes, I am a cynic and I am well aware of the fact that the next bit points me towards a slippery slope. Seeing I didn't get to bother anyone last month because I was too busy to, I figure you might just stomach this with the up coming X-mas spirit in mind.

It is my opinion that in present day society, humanity defies the laws of biology. When hyenas hunt, the pack will pick prey that can be separated from the herd. The weak, the sick, the old, the unprotected and otherwise unfit prey becomes a meal. There for not allowing the genetically weak to reproduce. Even when weaker animals do not end up serving the food chain, they have a harder time too reproduce then their healthy rivals with the bigger antlers, louder call, larger build or brighter colors. The old timer over the top stallion predecessor might be just as horny as his young successor, but he wont get just as lucky as him anymore. These are the cold, logical facts of nature. Arguments anyone? I think not.

Medical science is slowly progressing. In the near future those who can afford it will obtain acces to better chances of growing older, freed form more illnesses with the prospect of less hinder from aging. It's what we all want, growing old, happy and enjoying the fruit of labour in health and independence. We want to enjoy our family, our children and, god willing, our grand children. I take it that those of you that do not suffer manic depression or hate their children still agree with me so far?

Resveratrol, the miracle cure. Scientist are able to grow mice that turn twice as old without any apparent signs of age deterioration. Just by administrating this red wine like gene trigger, the fountain of life is bestowed upon these rodents. Why? there doesn't seem to be a shortage of mice or lab rats  in the world, so making them enjoy longevity seems a bit redundant. Nor have there been any reports of a growing number of stray cats which PETA ordered scientist too be fed this way. No. It is man's hunger for life and fear of death, that inspires pharmaceutical giants to invest heavily into these very human emotions. Huge profits could be made by having man drugged up to youth, dependent on his pharmacy to stay fit and healthy. Besides, PETA would have cats on soy if it was up to them. Yes, this will get nasty from here on.

Maybe Resveratrol will turn out to be a big hoax, it doesn't even really matter. If I get diagnosed with testicular cancer and my father, grandfather and great great grandfather kicked the testicular cancer bucket too, I wont argue the genetic tendencies of it. But I'd probably want to be cured anyway. And yes, I would want my sons to be protected from the perils that apparently lie hidden in the family jewels. Resveratrol, Chemo, morning urine or whatever means available, I'd take them. If stem cells or genetic manipulation could safeguard my sons from singing opera, I might seriously consider pheutus enhancement. And if I am willing to ignore nature in my genetic short comings, maybe I shouldn't be judgmental  towards the genetic deprivation of my next door drug addicted, childbearing neighbor either. Even though she and the alleged soon to be father, have addicted personalities, the combined I.Q. of  a hummingbird with ADHD and the life expectancy of a Thanksgiving turkey. Besides as a social worker I deal with distorted families and mentally unable parents on a daily basis. I earn my paycheck with society's genetic retardation. So who I'm I to decide who's genetic lines are worthy of continuation and who has the weakest DNA link? Mr. & Mrs. Down Syndrome, you are the weakest link, goodbye. I told you this would get ugly.

In a world population that is growing excessively in numbers, it is not biologically sane to stretch the start or finish line of what is ultimately the survival of our species. From a religious perspective one might argue we are attempting to overthrow God. Personally I'd plea for the biological approach, we're fucking up Darwin's survival of the fittest, which is a pity cause he worked hard on it. Short term, very human emotions, overrule our longterm survival rights as a species. Egocentric hunger for life and fear of death sponsored by capitalism ,will endorse the corruption of one gene pool in the west, while the lack of funding will condemn a randomly healthy gene pool in the third world.

The very fabric of our nature might well be our demise, regardless of how frighteningly good we might become in prefabricating our offspring and delaying our deaths, nature will catch up. Science backfires slowly.

Happy holidays.
I told you, I am a cynic.

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